October 2024 Life & Links Recap

Recapping my fall travels so far, fall in NYC, and the most popular links of the month!

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Amy Littleson October 2024 Life and Links Recap

Life Recap

October kicked off in a big way with my 30th birthday trip to Provence and Paris with my mom and sister. They surprised me with this trip idea back in June when I turned 30, and we haven’t been on a girls’ trip since we went to Greece together a few years back, so we were due for one!

It was a phenomenal trip, with the first half being in Provence, where we drove through and explored so many precious towns, and the second part being in Paris, in which we stayed on both sides of the Seine and literally shopped our way through the city. You can find my Provence travel guide here, and see all of our trip on Instagram stories here. I’m so grateful we had this time together and that we love to do the same things when traveling: exploring, shopping, and sitting and drinking wine. 😂

After that trip, my sister had off for Columbus Day so we drove to our beach house on Long Beach Island to pick up a few things we had left there. We stopped at Home Goods and made a fun day trip out of it. I got to have a few weekends in NYC throughout the month, which were so nice. I know everyone says this, but there really is no better time of year in NYC than the fall. It’s been SO warm here though. Just this week (I’m writing this on November 12th) it’s started to dip under 60. It’s concerning but I can’t help but admit that it’s been so nice for all of the outdoor time we’ve been able to have. In the pictures above you’ll see Johnny and I eating at two of our favorite NYC spots– the Drunken Monkey (incredible cocktails and Thai) and JG Melon (a cash-only burger spot, get the chili though, trust!).

Mid-month Johnny and I went to Washington DC to surprise one of his best friends who had a 30th birthday party. We got to stay with my best friend, Liza Bart (@beachedvine!), who lives in DC as well, and she cooked us such a stunning meal in their home there. On Sunday of that weekend I flew from DC to Maine (and Johnny drove my car back to NYC), so I could see my parents and our dog, Liberty. We got to catch up, see so much of the stunning Maine fall foliage, and just relax. I don’t think I’ve ever been to Maine during October before and oh my gosh was it next level beautiful. In the images above you can see Liberty with so many vibrant leaves, and me sitting at the edge of the lake we live on. I am already scheming how I can be there longer during fall next year.

I spent a lot of the month work-wise covering Prime Day sales and fall style content, and gearing up for a (very busy) holiday season in November. It’s been tiring amidst all of the travel, but in a fulfilling way. I have to say that I am looking forward to things slowing down a bit in the new year. There’s been lots going on behind the scenes, and I cannot wait to share more soon. As always, thank you so very much for following along with the craziness of this season of life for me!

Links Recap
